Expression of ideas through exploration of colour

Visual Artists express their idea through exploration of colour.
Through this unit students inquired into colour theory, the visual impacts of the use of colours and interpretation of colours.

TUNING IN - Students began with looking at a number visuals using a variety of colour combinations and observing the difference it made visually on the composition and how it has impact on creating the mood of the picture. Some of the works of artists they saw were 'Hay Stack' by Claude Monet

Some Guiding question which drove the inquiry
  • What do you think is happening in these painting?
  • Do you notice anything particular about the paintings?
  • What changes do you notice in these paintings? and what makes you say that?
  • Is the picture looking different in different colours?
  • What kind of changes do you feel when you look at the picture?
  • Does it make the picture look different or make you feel different?
  • Do specific colours have specific meanings / symbol / stand for something?
  • Do different colours make you feel differently?

Introduction to different shades of a colour

Learning about different colour schemes and their visual impacts


exploring works of Pablo Picasso during blue period and sunflower done by Van Gogh

Self portrait using monochromatic colour schemes

Student create self portraits using monochromatic colour scheme depicting an emotion through their work.


Create landscapes using analogous colours

Students went outdoors to create a landscape. They applied principle of one point perspective such horizon line, vanishing point. They also learnt to use a view finder to compose their landscape.



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