Revolutionary Artists


Artists can make a difference and bring about social change through their work.

Students of Grade 8 inquired and evaluated the life and works of different artists such Keith Haring and Bansky who are known to create public art.  They studied how these artists dedicated their work to various social and political issues and tried to bring about a change in society.

After doing an in-depth study of their art by investigating into the purpose, medium, and drawing style, students decided to create their own artworks dedicating it to issues which they feel strongly about.
Grade 8 collectively decided to create Graffiti on a school wall. They worked in groups and chose varied themes for their graffiti-like issues in teenagers' life such as bullying, peer pressure, body image, substance abuse, and internet addiction. Some students chose to work on global issues like wastage of food and electricity, cleanliness, etc.

drawing out their ideas on the wall

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