Artist Study - Georgia O' Keeffe

Students started their inquiry about an female American Artist - Georgia O' Keeffe by reading 'Through Georgia's Eyes' by Rachel Victoria Rodriguez'. They further researched about the artist's life and work and found out that her works generally had images abstract, large-scale depictions of flowers, leaves, rocks, shells, bones and other natural forms, New York cityscapes and paintings of the unusual shapes and colors of architectural and landscape forms of northern New Mexico. 

Students observed Georgia's work carefully. They paid attention to the colours, themes and the compositions in her work. 

Students viewed her works and studied them closely

Students decided to create Artworks in Georgia O' Keeffe's style keeping flowers as the theme.
They went outdoors and observed the forms of the flowers carefully to be able to create work in the Artist's style


Students created layouts (rough drafts) for their final work

Students experimented with paints. They mixed colours to create new shades.



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